Thursday 13 December 2012

More Masthead ideas

I had another look at my masthead ideas and decided that I wasn't that's happy with the designs I had already created as I didn't think they looked professional enough and I especially didn't like the fonts I had used. As the masthead is one of the most important things as it will be on every magazine and people will relate the masthead to the magazine, I need to take time to make sure it is the best it can be. I  create some other ideas in hope they will be more successful.

I stayed with the idea of the red background with this masthead, as I do like the idea of the banner masthead. However I changed the font to something a bit more unique and noticeable, I think this font is slightly more original and the reader would link the font to the magazine.
This time though I used aberation on

This makes the pink and yellow shadow, I thought this gave more character to it and the colours pink and yellow are bright and pop music is usually linked to bright, happy colours.

This time I got rid of the red background as I had a look at other mastheads and noticed most music magazines do not have a colour behind their masthead expect for Q magazine. Although I do think it works well I wanted to see what it looked like without the background. I kept the same font as I do like this font as its different but still quite professional. However this time instead of making the pink and yellow as the shadow I filled in the B and A on Paint.Net

I changed the pink so it is a mix of red and pink because my target audience is both females and males so I didn't want it too look to feminine, I also made the yellow slightly gold, as gold has connotations of being of good quality and award winning which would suggest my magazine is an award winning magazine.

I really like the second beat logo so I wanted to try it out on the same template as i used for my other mastheads

I think this could would better then the banner type masthead as it would be more versatile, I could have different colour backgrounds on my front cover without having to worry about it not going with the read banner.
After doing this I also have a few ideas of how I could around this masthead

On this one I have moved the date line so it up going up the B, I think this makes everything fit together better and looks as though everything works around the masthead, which makes the masthead stand out more. Where the dateline used to be I have put a selling line, pointing out that the magazine is the leading pop magazine suggest this is the bets magazine for that genre which will encourage people to buy it. Also having under the masthead makes it still noticeable to the reader but doesn't distract away from the masthead. Although the font used in this draft may differ from when i do the final cover, the idea will be the same.

Final decision

After doing a few drafts with different mastheads I have decided that I am going to use this one:
I think this is the most versatile masthead, which will enable me to change the background of the cover and change the layout so the texts fits around it. With the red mastheads I was worried that It would not look as good with grey or black grounds, but with this masthead the text is black which will go with everything. I also like this font the best as I think it is different from the simple fonts such as 'Ariel' which means through the font alone readers should be able to link the masthead to be magazine. I also like the block colours used as some of the effects on my other mastheads are a little to much as magazine mastheads are often quite simple.

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