Wednesday 12 December 2012

Main coverline ideas

Now I have decided what my theme for my double page spread will be (an interview with an artist discussing how they are not a "robot" controlled by their record label) I can start generating ideas for my main cover line.
I had a look at other magazines that fit my genre to see if there was a noticeable pattern for the types of cover lines used. I noticed with Billboard especially that the front cover often has the artists name and then a bit of speech, usually a snippet of the interview that would intrigue the reader and make them want to find out the rest of the interview. For example:
This cover line has the artists name "Rihanna" in the centre and in bigger font so that it is the main feature and then has a small part of the interview. By saying the fans don't really know who she is suggests she is going to reveal her true self in the interview, encouraging people to buy the magazine to find out what the real Rihanna is like.

With this is mind I have created a few main cover lines for my magazine:
  • Selena "I'll never play the game" - there is a mysterious side to this as it doesn't mention what "the game" is, the reader will have the read the interview to understand that she is implying many artist treat the industry as a game and try and cheat their way to the top by pretending to be something they are not.
  • Selena "the music industry is ugly" - although this gives more of an insight into what the article is about then others it still only mentions enough to get the reader curious as to why the industry is ugly, they will be hoping the interview will explain.
  • Selena "How can they lie to their fans?" - this suggests a certain artist/band is lying to their fans so people will want to read the article to find out who this is and what the lie is
  • exclusive Selena "the truth is shocking" - an exclusive makes the reader think there is information they can not read anywhere else which persuades them to buy this magazine as it will be different. Also this again this cover line is mysterious as they will want to know what she is referring to

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