Thursday 27 December 2012

Cover lines

As i have started to create my front cover now, I need to start thinking about the cover lines i am going to include on the front cover. I looked at other magazines such as Q, NME and Billboard for inspiration.
Cover lines:
  • Chart Rivalry     Jodie Thomas Kylie Rose Sophie Cole - The 'chart rivalry' would be in one colour and underneath the names in a separate colour. The chart Rivalry suggests that people in the industry are falling out and an article in the magazine will inform you of all the inside gossip . As my target audience are keen pop fans they will want to know what is going on behind the scenes.
  • Jessica Walsh     The first lady of Pop - This is a pun which does appear on some covers, I noticed most music magazine may use one or two persuasive devices (puns, alliteration, triple ect) but try and keep it simple. This pun shows that Jessica is a very popular artist meaning people will want to read the interview
  • The concert of the year - Looking at NME covers they often say 'gig' instead of concert but NME's Target audience is different to mine as my magazine is a pop magazine instead of an alternative music magazine. Pop artists performances are often referred to as concerts so I thought it would be best suited to my magazine to use concert. In this cover line I haven't revealed who's concert it was, this will intrigue the read as to who gave such a good performance. A review also shows the potential reader that there are more than just interviews in the magazine as so far the cover lines have been just interview based
  • The festival guide - This will inform the readers on which major festival would suit them and lots of other tips that are generally important when attending festivals. My magazine will be an April issue, although some may have already purchased tickets for the festival by this point as the festival season is not far away they will be needing advice on what to expect.
When looking at other covers I have noticed they often keep it very simple and try not to put too many cover lines on the page as this would look confusing and messy
This Q cover has only 5 cover lines and the mast head, this enables the cover star to still be the main focus, if Q added any more cover lines it would overlap the picture too much. For my front cover I am going to have the main cover line and then keep it to 4-5 other cover lines, depending on how much  space there is  on the cover.

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