Thursday 6 December 2012

Photoshoot decisions

Outfit decision:
I asked my cover star to bring two outfits of my choice so that I could take a range of photos.
The first is a black and grey dress that is glamourus and fashionable which reflects her fashion icon status which has helped her pop career grow.

This is a picture of the dress, as you can see it isnt a typical 'red carpet' dress that is very formal and girly, the gems and the part that goes across the neck make it abit more edgey which represents her personality.
This is a picture of the other outfit choosen

This is a different outfit but again is very up to date but I feel the top works alot better as its a bright blue catching the readers attention.  Also the fact it isnt a dress makes her look even more edgey and as if she is breaking the conventions.
After doing my photoshoot last week I have cut my photos down to a small selection that I think I could use.

Cover Star:
This picture is using direct eye contact, which is an important code and convention of magazines, I like how she is not face on to the camera but it still catching the readers eye. Its as if she has turned around to look at the reader making them feel involved. The down side to this picture is that the arm is dominating the picture when it should be the face.

Again there is direct eye contact in this picture but she looks alot happier as her smile is alot bigger, I do feel that maybe the smile is to broad as looking at front cover such as blender and although they do look happy it is rare they are smiling like this. However if i was to use a picture for my contents page this could be used as looking as other magazine the contents page sometimes do have a more serious front cover and then a happy contents page:

This is an example of a contents page that uses a smiley picture.

I really like some aspects of this picture, I think the eye contact with the reader is very direct and it feels as though she is looking at you personally, I also think this picture could dominate a front cover. I also think there is a nice amount of attitude, she looks quite sassy. I think this would fit in with my article as she is explaining how she wont be controlled by her record label like other artists, so the article will be quite fiesty and I think the picture relects this. I have slightly cut of some of the elbow in this picture however as I do quite like the picture I could balance it out and cut some of the other elbow off.
I am going to use this photo as I think it will link in with my double page article well.

Double Page Spread:
For my double page spread I need 9 medium close up photos, showing a range of emotions.

In this photo is showing her happy side and in this photo she is smiling broadly and looks like she is enjoying herself.

 In this photo she is laughing which shows her fun side and makes her look as though she is enjoying herself. She is not using direct eye contact because it makes it seem more natural as though she is really laughing and it was not just staged for the photo.

I have changed the top in the following pictures to have a variety, however I have since decided I am going to crop the picture to the shoulders anyway so it looks consistant. This photo shows her flirty side, I had some good feed back on this pose when I used it to create a practice magazine so I thought I would be useful to use.

 This picture shows her confident side as she has her head slightly tilted up as if she is higher then the others and her smirk makes her appear as though she is happy with herself. In order to be a successfull artists it is ensential to be confident.

This picture shows her sad side, reflecting the negative side of being a successfull pop artists as the press can often be negative.

  These two photos show her playful side as she is doing funny poses. The audience will like the fact she can make fun of herself and doesnt take herself to serious

Although this is a slightly exaggerated expression of shocked I think it works well as it makes it less serious.

This picture makes her seem as though she is michevious and she is smirking looking pleases with herself and the hand makes he look as though she has been planning something

With these images I am going to crop then to shoulder length so there is emphasise on the facial expression and have them black and white so the colour text in the middle stands out, this is an examlple:
Contents page - Pop band:

In this image I wanted it too look as though the band were breaking up. I used blocking so that the the one who is no longer in the group is at the front, clearly showing the divide from the other two. Also the fact the girl is in pink contrasts the black from the other two band mates, this shows how different they are suggesting this is why they have broke up.
Furthermore the facial expressions of the two band mates help to emphaises the split as they look quite pleased with themselves as they are smirking. Where as the other band mmemeber is looking distant and sad as though she has almost been forced out of the band. I think my target audience would be interested in a article which explains why a big girl band have decided they are going to break up

In this picture the article would just be about the girl band in general. Blocking is used again but this time the girl in front looks as though she is the lead singer as most bands have a main singer, the contrast in clothes also shows this. This time they are all smiling showing a united girl band.

Contents Page - Live picture:
I recently went to a concert and took some photos for my magazine, as I will have a section about live reviews:

I decided To use this photo:

As he looks like he is really getting into the song and the review will be a posstive one.

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