Friday 14 December 2012


I have done drafts for my cover, double page spread and contents page to help my when I start creating my final product.


This is a draft drawing but it has the main features of a front cover and sets out the layout of my front cover.
My masthead is at the top as I want this to be one of the first things the reader notices. I have put the date line and price going up the B so that it doesn't take away from the other features of the cover but it is still noticeable as this is information customers will want to know. Underneath the masthead is the selling line "UK's leading pop magazine", I have placed it here as it will be the next things the reader looks at after the masthead. In the middle is my cover star picture, this is a convention of magazines as all front covers have their cover star dominating the page. The main cover story will be overlapping the picture so the reader knows that this links with the cover star it will also be in bigger font then the other cover storeys as this is the main article and my research shows me this influences people to buy the magazine the most.


 I kept the masthead of my magazine in the top left so that it is still noticeable and creates a house style. Also along the top in a date line again, by keeping somethings the same it links the front cover and contents together. Down the left hand side is the UK Top 20 chart, this was an idea I had already came up with and posted on my blog, I think it will make my pop magazine unique, and alot of my readers will be interested in which songs are popular at the moment and it will also know what new songs are out for them to listen to. The main image will be my cover star as I have noticed a lot of contents pages also feature the cover star. Along the bottom will be 2 more pictures with the page numbers, this will give an insight into what the article will be about. One picture will be of a male artist performing live and the other will be a girl band. Down the right hand side I have separated my articles into 4 sections, I noticed that most contents pages do this, the one above also does this. This helps the reader find particular articles easier.
The draft is in black and white as I have yet to decide a colour scheme, I will need to make my contents and front cover colour scheme link as this is a convention of magazines.

Double Page:

I have taken the pictures for the double page spread and the nine pictures will be of my cover star showing different emotions. The masthead is in the middle of the text to split the pictures so there is an even balance. I haven't decided what the masthead will say yet, but it will be something alone the lines on the one of the draft. On the other side will be the interview, which will be a question and answer session.


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