Friday 16 November 2012

Target audience questionnaire

After creating a target audience I wanted to ask my target audience questions in order to help me create my magazine.
I asked 20 people who would fit into my target audience to fill out a questionnaire, these are my results:
Q1- How often do you buy magazines?
My research suggests that I should create a monthly magazine as the majority of my target audience buy magazines monthly

Q2- How much would you be willing to pay?
Although there were a mix of answers and not a clear decision, I noticed that those who would buy the magazine monthly said they would pay more for it (between £3.00-£4.00) so as my magazine will be monthly my research shows I can increase the price a little. I will need to make sure it is not too much over £3.00 as otherwise my research shows i may loose custom.
Q4- What influences you to buy a magazine?
There were two answers that seemed most popular, the cover star and cover lines. This shows that it is very important I get the front cover right, and select an artist who is popular. Also I need to create interesting cover lines that my target audience will want to buy the magazine to find more about. Although the articles on the contents page and the regular features only got 3 votes each they are still important as this is only a small sample of my target audience.

Q5 - What music magazines do you buy at the moment?
I made this an open question so I could get a variety of answers. Quite a few of my responses said that at the moment there is no Pop magazine on the UK market for their age group as most of them are aimed at a younger demographic e.g top of the pops. This tells me there is a gap in the market that for my target audience. Quite a few did say they liked Q magazine as although its not all based on pop music there is always some artists who they like.  Others say they subscribe to Billboard as its an American Magazine they cant buy it over here but really enjoy it. This means when getting inspiration I should look at Billboard and Q.
Q6- What type of articles would you like to see in a pop magazine?
The most popular answer was interviewers with popular artists, so in my magazine I need to make sure I have enough interviews. Also quite a few people liked articles that tell you what festivals and concerts are coming up and also some concert reviews, so they know who would be good to see live. Another suggestion that came up more than once was a regular feature written by an artist, an example was a dairy.
Q7 - What colours would you expect to see in a pop magazine?
Most answers were not specific but gave a range of colours. It appears my target audience want a mix of pastel colours (purple, sky blue, peach ect) and sophisticated colours (Reds, whites, blacks ect). This tells me that when creating my magazine I need to stick to quite basic colours and make sure they are not too bright.
Q8 - What words come to mind when you think of Pop?
There were a mix of answers, but the ones which appeared a few times were: popular, new, fresh, fun, dance. These words could help me create a magazine name.


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