Thursday 29 November 2012

schedule for photoshoot

I am doing my photoshoot for my magazine tommorrow (30th November), so I have created a rough schedule of my day:

10am: I will get my cover star ready in the first outfit to take pictures for the front cover.
10.15 am:  Me and the cover star will go the location and start taking some photos
10.30am: I will get my cover star into her second outfit and take some more photos
11am: I will then get my girl band who will star in my contents page ready
11.15am: once on location I will start taking some group photos
11.45am: I will get my coverstar back onto location and start taking photos for my double page spread.
12.15pm: I will look through my photos and see if I have any useful ones, if I feel I need some more I will take some more photos.

The location: My photographs will be taken on a blank wall outside the common room, as I cant actually use a studio I selected this location as the lighting is good and the white wall will enable me to edit the background on Paint.Net easier.

Actors: for my cover star I am using a friend of mine called Jessica Payne. I decided to use her because she is very photogenic but the main reason was because I think she would be able to bring attidutde to the pictures which is what I want.
For my band I have selected 3 girls, they all look slightly different as I think girl bands are made up of different types of girls. I choose three girls which are good looking because pop girl bands are always made up of good looking girls.

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