Tuesday 27 November 2012

Decision on my ideas

I have spent the last couple of days thinking about which double page spread idea I will go for as I can then start planning around this.
I showed 10 people who represent my target audience my ideas in order to get some feed back to help me decide which idea I will go for.
I did have a mix of responses, as 6 people said idea 2 (the different shots of their personality) and 4 people said idea 1 (Cover star towering over British icons). There isn't a clear divide in the responses so I had to look at their feedback also to help make my decision.
Idea 1: Everyone really liked the concept that she is over taking the British pop industry, but some did say that this was abut unoriginal as there are a lot of articles about this type of thing. Most people also liked the idea about the British landmarks as they thought it was quite a creative way of representing the fact she leading the British pop industry. However the negative part was my front cover, they feel it would be very hard to try and be creative with this idea and its also possible that the cover star could come across too serious and not connect with the reader enough
Idea 2: Everyone thought the the idea of the snapshots was really creative and is a good way of showing an artists personality. Also they said it was different to most double pages as they normal base it around one main picture, and the idea that it will be based around artists being robots is something they would be interested in. The one negative is that I need to be careful there is not too much text on the right page and I will need to make sure I lay the page out so it doesn't look like one big block of text as there are no pictures to separate it.

After looking at my feed back and considering the idea myself I have decided that I will go with idea 2. Although I do feel the idea of the woman surrounded my the British landmarks is really strong, I know that I need to use original photography in my magazine and I would be unable to get original photography of Big Ben ect. Also the feed back for my idea two was alot more positive as they thought it was a more original idea, and I need to listen to my target audience as these will be the people who buy my magazine.

I also decided I am going to have the female cover star instead of the girl and boy band that I also considered. I have created a atrists profile for my cover star:
Katherine Johnson - "Selena"
Real name: Katherine Johnson
Stage name: Selena
Age: 21
Music style : Pop
Nationality: English
Years in the industry: 3 years.
Selena is a young, fashionable singer and song writer. She has a big fan base in England, with a mix of females and males ranging mainly from the age of 16-25 but mostly anyone who is into Pop. Selena is starting to get more popular in America, but hasn't quite made it yet, with her first single going to number 24 in the American chart.
Selena's has 2 albums out, both going to number one for two weeks. Her albums consist of a mix of slow love songs and convention up beat pop songs. Over the past 3 years Selena has secured 5 number ones, in the UK chart, which makes her one of the leading females in the Pop industury at the moment.
Over the years Selena has become a fashion icon and is well known for creating new trends for the high street. Recently Selena has created her own clothes range sold in Topshop, which features a range of party dresses and is selling remarkably well.

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