Saturday 17 November 2012

Powerful cover star idea

One of the idea's I had for my Magazine is that my cover star is going to be a female who is dominant. I want to make her to look in power reflecting her being a dominate feature in the Pop industory. The front covers below show poses that I could use to make my cover star look powerful.

The cover star has her hands on her hips which is a pose associated  with authority. She is using direct mode of address which connects to the audience  and  she has quite a stern look on her face showing that she is the one in charge. Although I do like the hand on the hips I'd prefer my cover star to be slightly less stern with their facial expression as I want them to come across as more friendly.

This magazine has slightly the same idea as me as Billboard are celebrating woman singers that are popular in music. In this picture Beyonce head is slightly angled up suggesting she is higher and showing she is dominant. She too has her hands on her hips. Her white dress contrasts against the dark background making her the main feature of the cover which reflects how she is a main feature of the music industry. Beyonce is also cover a section of the masthead which also represents how dominant she is.
I have also done a brief draft for my double page spread for this idea.
One of the pages will be a picture of my cover star in the middle towering over British landmarks, for example Big Ben and the London eye. This reflect that she is taking over the UK pop scene as my cover star will be bigger than all these famous landmarks. I haven't made a decision on the colour scheme yet, i am considering red white and blue to  keep in with the British theme but I'm not sure if that will be the most effective colour scheme, so I may also just keep basic colours, such as greys, white and black. The other page will be the interview, I have noticed that many double page spreads have a layout like this. I will split the text up into three sections to make it easier for the reader to follow. In the middle will be a quote from something she says as this is something I see quite regularly on double page spreads. The mast head that i have used in my draft may not be the one I would actually use as I am not 100 % happy with it, I think it could be improved but it does reflect the theme that my cover star is in control.

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