Thursday 29 November 2012

Masthead ideas

As I have decided my magazine will be called beat, I  have created some mastheads for my magazine:

I like the effect of this masthead, the fact it has two colours makes it stand out more as the black is a strong colour and the pale red contrasts against this. However I dont feel this masthead fits the conventions of a music magazine, as looking at other mastheads they are quite simple and are usually block colours.

I then created this Masthead. This time I stayed with block colours to improve from my last design. I choose red and black again because I like this strong colour combination. I changed the font to a bolder one t o try make it more eye catching, however looking at it now I dont think this is the best font I could of used, it doesnt look very professional. I also added some black around the text because without it I think it looks plain and boring. I also think it doesnt really suit my pop genre as well as there is alot of black.

This is my third masthead. I kept the red background from the one above as I red was one of the colours my target audience associated with pop. However my font is now white as I think this brightens up the masthead, pop is an uplifting genre of music so its important my masthead reflects that. I also made the font alot bolder so that it stands out from the red background more, I want my magazine name to be the first thing people notice.
I also created these mastheads, which are quite different from the ones above. I do like the font on these two but I dont think it fits my Pop genre as well, as when i first look at it I think of RnB.

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