Thursday 1 November 2012

Language anaylsis

I wanted to see the language magazine use in double page spreads, so I re-looked at the 'We love pop' magazine I previously analysed to see what type of language they use in the interview articles.
The tone of the interviewer is friendly and informal, yet there is still a hint of professionalism in the questions. The interviewer wants to create a conection with the interviewee so they need to be quite chatty and informal, they say things like "sexy scale". This also makes them appear on the same level as the reader, as they are trying to ask questions that the reader will be interested in.
The interviewer asks mostly opened questions in order to allow the interviewee to answer the questions fully to get the most out of the interview which will make it more interesting for the reader. However there is one closed statement, "oh dear me, talk about bad first impressions", which is a response to something Rihanna has said. The interviewer would have done this to prompt a reaction out of Rihanna.
Rhianna's responses are alot less formal and she uses spoken language devices, "I have gotten". Also her none verbal reactions are also in the interview, for example when she laughs it says " no (laughs)".

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