Thursday 22 November 2012

Mock up of contents page

I was stuck for ideas for my contents page so decided I would spend some time looking at various contents pages for inspiration. My favourite layout was NME's contents page, there seemed to be an on going house style as a lot of their contents pages looked the same, this informs me that I need to create a strong distinctive layout.
I like the layout of this contents page as I think its straight forward and easy to follow, which is important as the contents informs the reader of where the articles are. I began to think about how I could use this contents as inspiration and I decided I would draw a mock up of a contents page I would use with this as inspiration.
 I have kept some things similar but changed it to suit my style. I kept the logo of my magazine in the top left as this is where it will be on my cover so I want to create a house style. Also along the top in a date line, again similar to my front cover. Down the left hand side is the UK Top 20 chart, this was an idea I had already came up with and posted on my blog, I think it will make my pop magazine unique. The main image will be my cover star as I have noticed alot of contents pages also feature the cover star. Along the bottom will be 2 more pictures with the page numbers, this will give an insight into what the article will be about. Down the right hand side I have separated my articles into 4 sections, I noticed that most contents pages do this, the one above also does this. This helps the reader find particular articles easier.
The draft is in black and white as I have yet to decide a colour scheme, I will need to make my contents and front cover colour scheme link as this is a convention of magazines.

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