Thursday 22 November 2012

Magazine name

I Know the name of the magazine is important as it needs to describe the magazine in a few words, once I have decided on a name I can start to create a logo for it.
I brainstormed some magazine names, and these are some of the ideas I came up with:
  • Just POP - This is simple and the reader will instantly know what the magazine is about. I do feel that this name may however suite a younger audience as it is quite basic and holds no real meaning.
  • Beat - I like this one as its one word which is simple and easy to remember, also alot of pop songs have a strong beat so it links to the pop genre. The beat is an important part of a song and can completely change how a song sounds this reflects the fact I want my magazine to play an important part in the music industry as artists will want to appear in my magazine to influence their popularity.
  • Popular - Popular describes pop music in one word and people often refer to pop music as popular music, this is good as it will inform the reader straight away the genre of my magazine. Also calling my magazine popular suggests that not only is my genre pop but my magazine is also popular which will encourage people to buy it.
  • Modern - This word describes my magazine well as it will be full of up to date songs and artists, it is important the title of the magazine creates a good image in the readers mind and 'modern' suggest the magazine will be up to date and fresh. The thing about this name is that it does not relate to pop music, it is not clear that my magazine is a music magazine by the title.
  • Pop Power - I like some aspects of this name as it suggests pop is powerful and has an impact on society, this is good as its a positive representation of my genre. However I do feel this is a bit cheesy and childish and would work with a younger target audience. I think a 16-30 year old would not buy this magazine as they think it will be for children/ younger teenagers.
Out of all these names the one I like the best is 'Beat'. I think its short and catchy and represents my magazine well. I like the fact it is not childish like some of my suggestions, and often the genre pop can be seen as quite cheesy and I think 'Beat' sounds mature and professional, which is important if i want to appeal to my target audience as some of them may be quite mature.

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