Thursday 10 January 2013

main coverline fonts

I have tried out some fonts for my main cover line:

I got this font from an online font site and I liked the way the A was as I though it was very unique and would fit Selena as she is saying she doesnt follow others orders and is unique. I though the black looked good but wanted to try out some other colours too.
I turned it red by simplying using the paint bucket on, I used red as I though it would fit in with the red in the beat. I think I prefer the black font though as it looks more professional and if all the most important things such as the masthead and the artists name is in black then it links the two together.

I tryed out another font so I had more then one option

I liked this font as I thought that the fact it is simple would work better as the font for my masthead is a bit more fancy and unique. Again I wanted to try it in another colour.

As I thought the red was a bit bright I tryed grey and this is a neautral colour. Again I prefer the black as I think it links in with the masthead better.

I have decided to use the simple black font as I think it works better with my masthead because it is simple yet still bold so it will still grab the readers attention.

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