Thursday 24 January 2013

peer assessments

I asked some of the class to peer asses my work so fair to help my improve it.
The possitives of my work so far seems to be the colour scheme choosen (gold red black) they think its very strong and reflects my pop target audience. They also liked how I linked the colours of the mast head in with the front cover. Another possitive was the layout of the pictures on the double page spread, one said it was 'young and modern' which is exactly what my target audience is.
After hearing this is makes me feel possitive about my work.
They also gave me some improvements, they noticed I had miss spelt Rivalry on my front cover:
So I went back and changed this as it is essential that I spell everything right.
They also commented on my contents page

Although this is unfinished they said that they think there is going to be too much white space and the section where the text is may look to bare. Somebody also commented on the font used as they though it looked a bit unprofessional. I had used Ariel Black to keep in with the front cover. However looking at again I agreed that maybe the font choice could be re looked at.
I then added more articles into each section to fill up the blank space, I also thought this would make it more realistic as magazine have quite a few articles in each section. I also changed th.e font to a less bolder one so I though this worked better but still fitted in as both my front cover and contents has thinner fonts on it. I also added a gold background the the section titles as this links in with my colour scheme which people seem to like. I also thought it would break up the white background.
I then thought maybe I could do something at the top where the contents is to stop it looking bare:
I put a blackground behind the 'contents' as I think it breaks up the white space which was orginally at the top but still fitted in with my colour scheme.

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