Friday 11 January 2013

Coverline fonts.

I decided to have my main coverline is "I'll never play the game" as it doesnt reveal very much meaning the reader will want to read the main atricle to find out what the 'game' is.

I tryed out different fonts to see what fitted best:
This is not bold enough in my opinion, my main coverline has to be eye catching enough to appeal to the reader. I also am not that keen on how its all in one long sentence, I think when it starts to go over the picture it becoms less noticable.

I prefer this font (Arial Black) as it is simple enough not to take away from the artist name but is bolder and more noticable then the other font. This time I also put 'the game' underneath so it fits around the coverstar.

For the rest of the cover lines I wanted to keep the font near enough the same, as magazines always keep their coverline fonts the same.

I used Arial Black for the main part of the cover lines as it is the same font as "Ill never play the game". However magazines tend to have two fonts so I also used Baskerville Old Face.

On this cover I used slim fonts that are basic and I liked the look of this as I think it looks professional, so I decided to try and use a similar font to these and I think 'Baskerville Old Face' is the right font.

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