Friday 25 January 2013

interview layout

My second half of the double page spread is the interview, I wrote the interview out first then had to put it in columns for my magazine. I originally started putting each question on the page separately, this is how it looked:
Although I hadn't finished putting all the text in I realised that the column down the middle will not be very big if I do it this way and probably wont be very straight, I also noticed that the questions where different sizes as I found it hard to get each question sized the same. So I decided instead I would put it in columns on word first then copy  the text in

I now have a bigger column that it straight all the way down and the size of the text is all the same. However I did have to cut out some questions from the original interview I posted on here as it would not all fit in.

I noticed that at the bottom of interviews in magazines at the end of the interview they would state if  interviewee has a current single/album/book/tv show out. Like this interview with Taylor Swift in Cosmopolitian
 On my contents I have Selena 'Crazy Love' on my UK Top 20 so to link the two together I put it at the end of my interview.

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