Thursday 4 October 2012

Vibe ( R.kelly) analaysis

The title of the magazine is 'Vibe'. This magazine is niche magazine that is aimed at RnB and hip hop fans, the target audienceage ranges from 16-35. My magazine will have about the same readshiper age and will have some aspects of RnB and Hip Hop as they are part of chart music now, this is why I thought I would anayalse this magazine. The title 'vibe' is the word given to the feeling you get when listening to this genre of music.The title is very simple, which gives an almost laid back feel, which reflects alot of the music it is selling. The placement of the title at the top of the magazine is a common feature of magazines as it allows the potential customers to be drawn to the magazine. However it is unusual to have the cover stars name in such a big font above the mast head as it does draw attention away from the mast head, the reason for this may be that because R.kelly is such a big artist that it used as a marketing tool.
R.kelly is an international musical legend and is using the direct mode of address, to connect to the reader. R.kelly looks fed up, this is due to the speculation that was surrounding him at the time.
This also the anchorage text outlines the reasoning for R Kellys inclusion in the magazine, many R.Kelly fans will want to read his side to the story so will buy the magazine in order to do this as the case was hugely controversial. they also address an issue thats on the minds of many african american males. does success come at a price?  The aim of the magazine is to draw readers in that are interested in huge star stories like this one.

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