Thursday 11 October 2012


In this magazine cover lady gaga is using direct eye contact to connect to the reader. I created the cover line for this magazine and decided that i would use two contrasting fonts to represent Lady Gaga's different persona's. Also the font for Lady Gaga is bolder as I wanted it to stand out as she is a wold famous artist and this will enourage people to buy the magazine.

 With this magazine I wanted to keep the cover line matching the house style, so i stayed with the red and white font. Also I used Marilyn Manson's logo as its a different way of advertising who the cover star is.
This magazine had a 'Big Brother' theme to it. Again I stayed with the house style as that thats imporant to make it look realistic. I also used a rhetorical question in the cover line in order to conect with the reader and get them thinkin

For this coverline I created a pun as the film is actually called ' They let the right one in' and i wanted to emphasise it wasnt a great film.  The problem with this cover line is that it is fairly small and to fit the conventions it should be larger in order to catch the viewers attention.

Peer Assessment:
Good things - You have kept in with the colour scheme in all of your magazines, which is important in order to make the magazine look professional. Also you have choosen fonts which fit in with the style of the magazine, I especially like the 'lady gaga' font.
Improvements - For each of these magazines you have only done one cover line, to improve you could add some more cover lines that would fit in with the genre of magazine. I also agree with your comment that the 'Film X' magazine cover line should be larger as its smaller then convential cover lines.

Self Assessment
I agree that for each of the magazines to improve I could add some more coverlines, so I've came up with a few ideas of cover lines that would fit in with the genre of the magazine for each one:
M - "10 Must See Films", "Win £15 iTunes Voucher"
Pitch - "This Years Best Gigs"
Freedom - "Books For Creative Minds"
Film X - "Sinister Exlcusive", "Are you brave enough?"

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