Thursday 18 October 2012

Preliminary task

This is my preliminary task of a school magazine. I tryed to use the coventions of a magazine through out. The person in my cover image is using a direct mode of address as this is a convention of a magazine and it helps them connect with the audience. The other conventions I used are the bar code, mast head, date line and cover lines. I used the colour scheme black,red and grey as when I did my research I found out that my target audience wanted the school colours to be the colour scheme, for my magazine to be populare its important I listen to what my target audience want. Ive also used a pugg in one of my cover lines, "free NUS card" in order to entice people to get the magazine. The main cover line, "Head Girl Exclusive Interview", is a puff as its a an exclusive, again this is done to attract the reader and make them more inclined to read my magazine.
My school magazine is free as when I did my research it was clear that people would not pay for a school magazine so it seemed logical that in order to gain some readers my magazine had to be free.

This is my mock up of  a contents page. I have kept the colour scheme the same as the front cover to keep up the consistency as this makes it look more professional. Also I have used the twitter and facebook logo's to show the school can be found on these websites, and ive also put the school website on the page too, as I have noticed some magazines do this to promote the magazine, so this is another way of promoting the school.  Also I split my articles into three sections to make it easier for the reader to follow and find a particular article if needs be. I ensured that I used the same articles that are on my front cover in the 'On The Cover' section again to keep up the consistency. I came up with a few articles that I would include in my magazine and they are a mix of educational articles and non educition articles, the reason for this is that when I did my research my target audience said they would prefer a magazine which included a mix. I included a letter from Mr Foley as it will be a regular feature almost like an 'editors letter' you often see in magazines, this gives Mr Foley a chance to connect to the sixth form and people will want to read the magazine in order to see what he says this month.

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